Here in our area of Pennsylvania, we have a large number of homeschoolers. We have many homeschool groups and co-ops available to us as well. We have a group of people who put together a homeschool magazine for us each and every month that brings us the latest information on all of the homeschool groups in our area, and they organize the yearly graduation.

This year there were 90 graduates and through our homeschool co-op and sports participation, as well as the people we know from church, we know 33 of these graduates.

Some of the graduates organize a praise and worship band, and they sing a song they have chosen for their graduating class and lead the audience in some congregational singing.

This couple started, what I believe is the largest homeschool group in our area, and this year they graduated their youngest child.

The keynote speaker was former Senator Sam Rohrer. He spoke about the attributes of God, and while he was speaking we heard a torrential downpour upon the roof and there was a bit of thunder as well, and Sam even found a way to put a little bit about the rain, thunder, and water right into his speech. He was very inspiring.
I was also very impressed with the speech given by one of the graduates. He spoke to the class about how important it is to stand firm for Christ and to continue to keep their eyes upon them in whatever path they choose to walk now that high school is finished. (I didn't not get a good photo of him.)
Then each graduate was announced by name, in alphabetical order, and they were met upon the stage by their parents. The graduates handed their moms a rose, and their parents handed them their diplomas.

Afterward, there was a reception in the fellowship hall where the graduates could be congratulated by friends and family.

Our dear friend, Emily, graduated. This is Emily and her older sister, Lindsay. They are part of our church family.

This young man has, (as my son would say), become a legend in one of the homeschool groups we were a part of for several years. He participated in the sports activities that my sons participate in, and he was always trying to encourage his teammates. He acted in all of the wonderful drama productions the homeschool group produced and was quite talented. He can act and sing very well. He was an inspiration, and we will truly miss having him at our sporting events.

This is our dear friend, Chelsea. She is leaving tomorrow for a missions trip to Jamaica. She is part of our church family.

This girl is so sweet. We have had the pleasure of getting to know her better this year as she was in Anthony's psychology class at co-op and I was the teacher's helper in the class. We will miss her and her sweet spirit.
We wish all of these graduates God's blessings in their future endeavors.